Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Monday 13 March 2017

205- Support is so important!

Yesterday, as you can read, I was traversing a very difficult day for my mental health.

I want to thank all those from posimh who actively offered emotional support, advice and kindness in such a difficult day. Some of you offered support without being in the chat itself, either in DM's or other tweets. 

I know for a fact that if it hadn't been for your help, and my wife's, I would probably still be where I was yesterday, crumbling under the weight of my mental health,most notably cPTSD. 

In the past, whenever I experienced such crisis, I would go into my shell for weeks, months at a time. Yet, here I am today, doing much better! Right from getting up, more positive in approach and mindset, and had a great psychotherapy session (next post) and already chatting with friends again.

We may be miles away, but you sent me messages that helped me through ; From the depth of my heart, thank each and every one of you, and especially those I could note the names for : 

First & foremost, Megan for creating the chat, it was exactly what I needed
Ross, Andreas, Mel Smith-Lee, Susan, Fiona, Erika, Nicolas74, B, Claire. 

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