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Tuesday 19 July 2016

111 - PTSD 9 - Dissociation, Numbing & art projects

A couple months ago, I mentioned how part of PTSD issues pertain to emotional numbness, which is part of the dissociative nature of post-traumatic stress. 

As far as I can tell, some people have more or less permanently emotionless (emotional numbing) and others, like me, have recurring periods of it. 

I am going through one such an episode right now. Actually, I think it's been going on for a few weeks, with peaks every few days where my emotions go totally blank and I cannot know or fathom what it is that I'm feeling, if at all.

I know that my psych is very busy with nostalgic memories and thoughts regarding my paternal grand-father. I wrote about it just last week, in my Sacrifices entry 107

This past week alone, I've dreamed about him 4 times, and I think there were a few more this past month. 

But, the overall atmosphere the past 3-6 weeks have been a growing emotional void, that numbness and dissociative nature of PTSD. 

Last weekend (just a few days ago), I discussed with a new twitter mental health advocate I ''met'' and came to the conclusion that I need to rebuild self-confidence in my art, and paint again. It has been several years since last artistic period, and I'd like to convey part of my emotional empty state through art.

As I ponder and digest this and search for an inspiration, my wife taught me a few tricks this morning- that I shall try to put to practice as early as this afternoon. 

I need to do some art therapy, express myself through a different mean than writing on blogs or talking. I'll try to paint, and also do my first adult coloring book today : a book we bought in Star Wars convention 10 or so weeks ago and that I haven't gotten around to use. 

As we want to reuse the same pages, we scan and print - thus the book remains totally virgin. 

I hope these art projects- I have a few- will help ground me and regain some inspiration for other subjects, and also re-aquire some self-confidence.
This weekend's conversation with Brenda pushed me out of my comfort zone and I posted a few of my past paintings, some of which got immediate likes and even retwitted. 

This has boost my confidence a bit, especially when I saw that my rose bud was so popular and liked by a watercolor twitter page, where art was so gorgeous. 

I aspire to improve my technique, and I need to accept that since I haven't practiced much painting in my life, that a lot of it won't match my mental imagery, but it is through doing that each project can improve upon the previous. 

I am not in a contest. I am not ever going to be a genius painter because in my 4 or so decades of life, I haven't done much, and most known artists have been at it since their childhood.

I MUST enjoy the process and the end result. It'll probably look less than I want, but if I don't do it, I'll never ever improve... 

I need to work on my dissociation as well. This is one of my longest dissociative episodes thus far and I cannot let it settle. 

Art therapy will be one aspect. 
Hiking in nature and pursuing my digital photography, alone and possibly with a new photo friend can be another. 

More self-care, more action, less procrastination. 

To explain to you my current dissociative issue : I have been having some identity crisis, a lot of memory loss and cognitive difficulties in concentration, inspiration and motivation. 

I also have been experiencing emotional numbingdifficulties with the flow of emotions lately, and after discussing the matter with my wife this evening, have come to the theory that it all started about 6 weeks ago when we first started planning our trip to Paris. 

The anxiety levels rose, and as you know, I had a panic attack in the metro
This was a massive emotional overloading day for me, and my psyche started shutting down, exacerbating my dissociative state and also made it ''stick'' more. 

Last night, I wasn't able to fully express my happiness to my wife upon her return from her 6-days trip. Not because I wasn't happy, I was and also relieved that she was back. 
Instead, I was shut down into my shell, and was also experiencing some anxiety around all the people at the bus stops - though I wasn't even able to see and acknowledge this fact at that moment. 

Today, I did some art, and it helped a bit. Tonight, we watched an emotional episode and I managed to cry a bit - at least, my dissociation hasn't reached its worst and hopefully, these tears can push my emotions back to the surface.

I plan more art tomorrow. 
I also need to alternate funny and sad tv/movies, to get my emotions stirred again, and get out of this dissociation. 

I'll welcome any help, any tip, and advice, working this dissociation.
Please don't hesitate to comment or contact me - the email attached to this blog is 

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