Black Lives Matter, let's unite and speak up to correct injustices, to fight for equality and bury racism

Thursday 23 June 2016

99- Feminism (1)

I'm a feminist. There, I said the dirty F word that some men fear. They fear losing their power, their domination in the world. 

But, that domination is wrong, just like it was wrong to own slaves, or any one of a myriad wrongs done on this planet. 

There is a LOT to say about feminism, and why one should be a feminist. 
So, what IS feminism? Put short, it's a wide spectrum of political and social movements and ideologies with the objective of defining, building and subsequently reaching the end goal of equal rights for women in all fields of life : 
Personal, social, economic and political rights, equal to those of men. 

Fellow men, this is an issue that you really should research and acknowledge that in 2016, everyone must unite in this movement and try to correct wrongs all our ancestors have left us like a rotten fruit. 

Here's a wiki article about it- you'll see, it's huge...

We cannot ignore the ramifications of the severe imbalances our society is plagued with, and won't be able to fix everything immediately : the task is HUGE. But, just like the Everest, even the mountain range of women's equal rights can be climbed. Are you ready for this? Prepare yourself, the air up there is rarer, but also purer : reaching equal rights for women won't deprive you, us, men, but we'll be equal to women as their rights are elevated. 

Think about it : our human race is divided in, basically, 2 sexes. This is a different topic than gender identity and sexual orientation. It doesn't matter what you ''man'' or her ''woman'' identifies with, on this level : you are both human beings, and any people should have the same rights - including those pertaining to gender identity and sexual orientation, evidently. 

The feminist movement is a revolution of mindsets that should bring forth an evolution in our society. This revolution is to break free from stereotypes, and accept that men and women are equal beings. The plumbing doesn't matter. The emotional states may vary and appear different - but that's not important either. Individual capacities don't matter. 

What we think is particularly ''masculin'' or ''feminine'' varies, as each society redefines those terms. For instances, we think that men and woman think differently, feel differently, and can handle different tasks, physical loads and so forth : these are ideas we developed over time. They will change and evolve - once we accept these aren't written in stone, once we accept that our societal value system created those thoughts. 

On many levels, those thoughts are wrong - they may have appeared right at a certain point in our history. But, they were the result of previous ideologies. 

Writing about the history of women, and their place in society isn't the scope of the blog. Thousands and thousands of books and pages, magasins and web pages abound about these complexe topics. 

I invite you to educate yourselves. Both men and women must understand this history, and this present.
This in turn will bring light to the fact that our future MUST be of equal rights. 

No more superiority : after all, we are different people, not because we are men VS women, but because we are all individual human beings. 

Men are different from other men, and therefore also women. 
The same goes for women who are different from other women, and also men. 

But, what is REALLY important to understand is : one another. Without a combination and dialogue between us all, our society will continue to eat the same rotten fruit our ancestors have left us.

Wouldn't a fresh fruit taste much better? 

Healing our society is possible- but this is a very awful virus. Let's treat it, shall we? 

Let's open the dialogue. Today. And tomorrow, and the day after that. 

To be continued...

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